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Show Up, Just as You Are

Updated: May 5, 2023

Written on March 3, 2023

Show up, just as you are.

There is a still, small voice within your spirit, gently tugging at you to show up in certain ways. Showing up for others, showing up for God, or showing up for yourself.

This voice knows the deepest desires of your heart, it knows your dreams and aspirations, it knows everything about you- when you sit or stand, and every hair on your head. This voice is loyal to you and wants your good.

But above it all, this voice reveres your freedom. It is gentle, still, and small because it is full of love. It does not force, control, or oppress. It waits patiently while relentlessly showing up to guide you in the direction you're meant to go.

If you're anything like me, we wait until things are perfect in order to listen to that still small voice. Or worse, we ignore and push down those desires, out of fear. Fear of what others think and fear of failure. But, like I said earlier, this still small voice is loyal. It's relentless. It will keep showing up when something is meant for us, and it will not allow what is for us, to pass us by.

So, what is it for you? What is that dream or desire that you cannot stop thinking about? The one that is always in the back of your mind. You want to pursue it but instead you're ignoring it. Good desires mean something. They are put into our hearts by God, and we are meant to listen to them, ESPECIALLY the ones that keep showing up.... Some ways I discern if a desire is good is by asking a few questions I learned from Fr. Mike Schmidt:

Is it something good?

Is it something true?

Is it something that radiates beauty?

Is it an open door?

Is it something I want?

Will it bring me closer to the Kingdom of Heaven or farther away?

Notice that the focus here is not on success, money, or fame, it's soley based on what breeds joy, goodness, truth, and beauty in our lives. If your longing stems from the latter, then it is a good desire. If you answered Yes to all of those questions- my gosh- don't wait another moment and GO AFTER YOUR DREAMS. Start sowing up in small ways and the flow will happen.

Things don't have to be perfect, show up just as you are, consistently, and that still small voice, who is God, will guide you on where you're meant to go.

Shhh....just listen....

Little by little,

one step at a time,

We're going to make it.



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