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Writer's picturePatrizia Planzo


Written on June 22, 2022

* Two years later... 2020 was one of the strangest & hardest years for the entire world. We were all going through the same pandemic, but each person's experience is wildly different. I'm fortunate to feel like I'm finally getting over the affects that 2020 has had in my life, but sadly so many will feel the fierce pain of 2020 for years to come. If that rings true to you, know that you are in my heart and prayers, and you are strong. Never give up hope <3

Everyone suffers in a different way, and suffering, in my opinion, should not be compared to another person's suffering. All suffering is a hit to the heart in some way, shape or form, and we are different because of it.

The beautiful thing about suffering is that it unites us together as people. No matter where we come from, what language we speak, or what are lives look like, seasons of trial reminds us that we are all human.

Before anything - we are all human beings, and that's something we all share, forever.*


Danced, Choreographed, Edited on March 26, 2020

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