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Writer's picturePatrizia Planzo

Off Route to Glory

Written on July 17, 2019

Ok, real talk - this is by FAR one of the hardest summers I've ever had. Here I am, in the mountains of North Georgia, the most beautiful place I've ever been, where I met the love of my life and eternal friends two years ago- but this time things are entirely different... Listen, I'm not sure what spirit took over when I voluntarily agreed to serve on kitchen crew for 3 months, but this job is kicking. my. butt. Prayer time in the chapel is more difficult to sustain, breaks from work seem to fly by, and there are some days I only see daylight for like an hour. Okay, that's a bit exaggerative, but kitchen crew at a summer camp is so much harder than it looks, even if its in a place that looks like heaven on earth. (Danielle, Amanda, Nick, Bryan, Shelby, HOW did you do it?)

Don't get me wrong guys, YES, there is riveting glory that is coming out of this summer, but that's a story for another time. This one is about a small gift that our Lord gave me,

a moment,

a breath,

a yes, that poured love into my heart at a time I needed it MOST.

Glory story time:

"YES, I get an hour for a break today. I know exactly what I need." I thought to myself. "Come on, Come on, Come on, COME ON CLOCK!" I couldn't wait to hear my shoes hit the wood floors of that chapel and smell the familiar incense burning at the altar...






I quickly pack my belongings, run out of the door, down the deck, and scramble across the field to the small white chapel. I stumble inside, squeeze into a pew, plop on the floor, look around and-



"ahhhh" I breathe a sigh of relief, "Thank God, I'm alone."

After about 3 minutes I said to Jesus, "hey iss cold - can I take the tabernacle outside?"

I felt him with me. He giggled and responded "Pati, I dwell within you. You are a walking tabernacle. Go wherever you please and I will be with you."

"Oh snap" I said.

Here I go again... I picked up my things and started on a path towards my favorite spot on camp, right at the feet of this crucifix (pictured). On the way, I found a very small but generous gift, that I'd been praying about for 8 weeks now -

"Wow... God, how did you know? This isn't even a need, it's been a small want of mine... but just wow... Thank You!"

This small but meaningful gift WOULD NOT have entered my life if the previous 10 minutes had not happened. If I had not waited until Noon, if I had not gone inside that cold chapel, if I had not been at this camp on kitchen crew at this very moment - I would not have tasted the sweetness of a small but mighty recognition from God, one that had "I love you, I know you, and I see you" written all over it.

I finally get to my spot, take off my soaked shoes and socks, and lay in the fluffy green grass.... I could finally hear myself breathe. I could finally feel my sun kissed skin begin to warm, and peace was finally here.

Sometimes God's plan for our lives takes us OFF ROUTE. Sometimes we scramble, fall, and change our minds, but he is with us every step of the way.

The GLORY of an adventure with Christ is abundantly more beautiful than we could ever imagine or plan for ourselves.

Jesus, you fun. thank you. <3


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