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A Small White Chapel in the Mountains of North Georgia

~ In the summer of 2017, I left my summer plans behind, packed my bags, and booked a one way ticket to the mountains of North Georgia. I was a summer missionary for Life Teen Camp Covecrest on the Hospitality team for three months, and I had NO IDEA what the Lord had in store for me that season... I went from not knowing a single person to finding my soon to be husband & love of my life, Jim Mascarenhas, and journeying with the MOST LOVING & BOLD group of women who will forever be my sisters in Christ. That Summer changed the trajectory of my entire life, and it's been the greatest YES I've ever given. ~

Written on August 10, 2017

This is where I was every morning for 13 weeks. There were mornings of silence and ones of chaos. Ones where I had to fight to continue going and ones where there was no place I'd rather be.

"The Lord has worked marvels for us make it known to the ends of the world. My strength and courage is the Lord, He has been my savior."

The Lord has made me a different person from when I began. I am different because of that cross and because of His presence every one of those mornings. I am different because of His relentless search to know me and for me to know Him.

Yes. I want you. I want all of you. I want the heart you threw away. I want your inefficiencies. I want your inadequacies. I want your doubts. Let me work miracles within you. I want all of you. And that moment in the chapel, or in your car, or in your bed at 3am, when you finally consent... it begins in that moment. He begins in that moment when you finally let go.

What a journey it has been Jesus pal. Thank You Lord. You Are Enough.


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